Yvonne Barnes
8 min readFeb 11, 2021



Welcome back. Even though our lockdown is slowly lifting, health is still the issue of the day. Do you put all your trust in modern medicine? Do you listen to your doctor and still do your own research on the matters of your health? Well, I do. Don’t misunderstand, I give a lot of credit to modern medicine but I don’t follow any one industry blindly. I feel it is very important for all of us to do reasonable research on our own behalf. I believe in full disclosure and the only way we are going to get that is by doing our own research. Sense so many of us are still at home it’s possible to do. Let’s face it, we’ve all got a lot of time on our hands so why not.

Recently, I was told that my knee cartiladge was gone and that I was a strong candidate for knee replacement surgery. Well, I know by doing my own research that the replacement is only good for four to five years and we are only allowed two replacements! That’s a maximum of 10 years! What if I live longer than that? That means the rest of my life will be in a wheel chair and dependent on others even though the rest our my health is good. Not to mention the level of pain that accompanies post-surgery. In my head I said, NO WAY! So, in my research I came across a method that makes more sense to me than knee replacement surgery. Think about it, athletes knees take one hell of a beating every year. You don’t hear of them having surgery anymore which in the past ruined their careers. No, these days they are getting treatments that don’t call for surgery. Instead, they play year after year with their original knees and walk without assistance.

I have started such therapies and I’m slowly feeling better and better. I’m going to give this treatment three more weeks before I discuss it in detail with you. I think you’re going to like it. Cheek back with me at the beginning of March. I’ll have more to tell you and in detail. What a tease, I can’t do that to you. The alternative method I’m using is called, Regenerative medicine. It’s going to make many different types of surgeries obsolete. It is a method that helps the body to heal it’s self. Professional athletes who’s joints take a beating every year are using regenerative medicine and are doing very well. TIt isn’t fair to make you wait for my results with my knees. This therapy can replaced diseased cells, help spinal cord injuries, repair damaged tissues, and improve joint deterioration. If you’d like to go in for a consultation use this code for a first time doctor vist for only $39.00 dollars use this code (YS39) and see what this incredable therapy can do for you. Best Wishes

Health and Your Money

In addition to finding products that helped me protect my health, covid-19 enabled me to stay at home and relax. I’ve gotta tell you, working seven days a week, four weeks a month for three and a half years took its toll on me. I never had time for myself. I never felt like cleaning up my home because I was always numb whenever I walked through the door.

These days I am working on me. Now I can work on my health from a position of pleasure instead of a position of fear. So what did I do? I went to the YouTube channel, found all the DIYs (Do It Yourself) videos I could get my hands on to make myself look better. Three and a half years is a long time to neglect one’s self.

Hair was first on my list. The best remedy I found for improving the health and growth of my hair was the combination of castor oil, olive oil, and aloe vera. The combination of the three is doing wonders for my hair. When I started I noticed that my hair line was getting weak. After much experimentation I settled on Black Jamaican castor oil, a cream moisturizer I bought at the beauty supply store and aloe vera juice. To my surprise it worked! My hair started growing faster and looked healthier! I thought this was so cool.

In spite of my obvious success I had to make sure I wasn’t just feeding my ego so I stopped for four weeks. My hair started looking weak again. Experiment over! Back to what was working. My hair is looking better again and this time I will not stop. Last thought, I don’t use any heat on my hair to style it. Instead, I’m just letting my hair rest and why not? After all, we’re in lockdown, who’s going to see it? Lol.😄😁😆

My Health and Money

My Health Your Money

Welcome back as I continue to share my thoughts and experiences through our covid-19 period. In my first blog I explained how I managed to address my issue of health and money at the same time without even realizing it. Well, now I’d like to address money in a more detailed thought. First of all I don’t belive in living off of one source of income. Time and time again we have seen throughout history that one source of income is destined to failure. Companies get sold, downsize, or even fail. When that happens and it’s the only source of income, panic sets in and rightfully so… where’s the next check coming from? Rent or the mortgae will be due soon! Needless to say there are a laundry list of other bills to follow but most peoples concern is food and shelter. This brings me back to my own method of survival. I can’t tell you how happy I was to find out that so many found value in my first blog and gave www.4life.com/yvonnesaid a change to address their health needs and bring in extra money too. Three cheers to you brave souls!

My next thought was how many forms of income can I develop? In years past what I’m doing would be considered two jobs, one fultime and one part time. Not on the internet! On the internet I can sell five different products and services and still have time to spend with my family, friends and watch a few good movies. check out this new source I found…https://mcrmgo.com/go/freebook1/56785

December 28, 2020

My Health Your Money

Welcome back! In this blog I am sharing my thoughts and experiences while trying to survive being in lockdown during covid-19. In my first blog I share my double hitter on finding health help for keeping my immune system strong and developing an income at the same time. Well, I must admit I’m feeling pretty good. Mind you, I have followed the instructions for social distancing and waring a face mask to the letter. So far, so good . I don’t want you to think my story ends there. First of all I don’t believe in having one source of income no matter how society is looking. Instead I have continued to look for other sources of income. I have experienced my share of financial losses signing up with people who were less than honorable. On the other hand I am experiencing a number of other successes that I would like to share with you. Before I tell you about my other finds, I would like to share my thoughts on education. Before starting my financial ventures I was so proud of the fact that I had a master degree in business administration.When I started my accadenic path to higher education my reasons were two fold. I wanted to become more knowledgeble and qualify for better paying jobs. Well, the knowledge I gained was great. But the better paying jobs did not . It seemed I had another issue going against me and that was my age. I was in my mid-fifties and though our age isn’t suppose to play a factor in being hired for a job, it does. The way employers get around that fine fact is to ask what year did you graduate from high school. It appears to be a harmless but the approach is suttle but to the point. That is the beauty of doing business on the internet. No one cares. The new question is, “Can you sell our product or service? Do you know how to meneuver on the internet and gain a viewing audience. Well I have found an education center for learning how to do just that.

Granted, making ones self knowledgeble is never a waist of time but paying too much for that knowledge is a crime. The loans I took out for three degrees, bachelor, master, and doctoral put me in debit to the tune of over $207,000 including accrude interest. If I had found out about this internet marketing education center before I started my higher learning I would have done the reverse. I would have learned how to make a living on the internet first and then pursued my higher learning when I could no doubt afford it! The internet education center is the Anthony Morrison Education Center and it doesn’t require a fraction of what the four year universities cost. Highly recommend trying this link as one of the many internet source for income to try, just click this link…https://mcrmgo.com/go/meduv1/56785 Feel free to write a comment on what you think.

My Health and Your Money

In addition to finding products that helped me protect my health, covid-19 enabled me to stay at home and relax. I’ve gotta tell you, working seven days a week, four weeks a month for three and a half years took its toll on me. I never had time for myself. I never felt like cleaning up my home because I was always numb whenever I walked through the door.

These days I am working on me. Now I can work on my health from a position of pleasure instead of a position of fear. So what did I do? I went to the YouTube channel, found all the DIYs I could get my hands on to make myself look better. Three and a half years is a long time to neglect one’s self.

Hair was first on my list. The best remedy I found for improving the health and growth of my hair was the combination of castor oil, olive oil, and aloe vera. The combination of the three is doing wonders for my hair. When I started I noticed that my hair line was getting weak. After much experimentation I settled on Black Jamaican castor oil, a cream moisturizer I bought at the beauty supply store and aloe vera juice. To my surprise it worked! My hair started growing faster and looked healthier! I thought this was so cool.

In spite of my obvious success I had to make sure I wasn’t just feeding my ego so I stopped for four weeks. My hair started looking weak again. Experiment over! Back to what was working. My hair is looking better again and this time I will not stop. Last thought, I don’t use any heat on my hair to style it. Instead, I’m just letting my hair rest and why not? After all, we’re in lockdown, who’d going to see it? Lol.😄😁😆

My Health and Money

